Archivi tag: The Telegraph

Il Telegraph e il caso Martone


A distanza di 24 ore il “caso” Martone tiene ancora banco.

Non solo su twitter, dove ormai si é scatenato il Toto-sfigato (se a 28 anni non sei… ), ma anche sulla stampa estera che, come sempre, racconta quel che succede nella stravagante Italietta con l’ approccio tipico del saggio che richiama l’attenzione dell’allievo più discolo. Cioè un misto di condiscendenza e arrendevolezza di fronte a un caso ormai dato “per perso”.

Al di là della supponenza e superiorità che i paese esteri dimostrano regolarmente nei nostri confronti, ho trovato l’articolo del Telegraph (che pubblico integralmente, scusandomi con quanti non sono proprio avvezzi alla lingua inglese) interessante in un passaggio.
Quello in cui si demarca la differenza tra sistema universitario britannico e quello italiano.
Nel primo, come scritto da Squires, si hanno a disposizione massimo quattro anni per giungere al completamento degli studi.
In Italia, invece, gli stessi possono essere prolungati per più anni, senza incorrere in alcun meccanismo sanzionatorio se non quello relativo al pagamento delle tasse dei “fuori corso”.

Ecco, quindi, il punto centrale, secondo me, su cui bisognerebbe focalizzare l’attenzione. Non tanto il grado di sfigataggine di un ragazzo, quanto piuttosto se sia opportuno o meno tenere aperta una finestra per dieci anni o più per giungere alla laurea.
Si noti bene che in dieci anni può capitare di tutto.
Almeno una riforma scolastica-universitaria, puntualmente, ogni 5/6 anni arriva.
Ma anche in termini di contenuti. Un ragazzo che si iscrive a giurisprudenza e sostiene l’esame di penale all’inizio del percorso, se si laurea 8-9 anni dopo e senza un aggiornamento, ha buone probabilità di avere un bagaglio conoscitivo obsoleto e quindi poco utile.
Stesso discorso per economia, chimica, medicina, etc etc.
Allora che senso ha lasciare così tanta flessibilità temporale?

Non é forse il caso di considerare, per una volta, ma solo una, che il modello britannico sia un pochino meglio del nostro?

Italian minister under fire for saying students who drag out degrees are ‘losers’

By Nick Squires
Last Updated: 12:01PM GMT 25/01/2012
An Italian government minister has been criticised after saying that students who drag out their degrees for years are “losers”.

Calling for a radical change of culture among the country’s university students, Michel Martone, the deputy welfare minister, said: “Anyone who hasn’t graduated by the age of 28 is a loser.”

Unlike in Britain, where degrees take three or four years to complete, in Italy students have an unlimited period of time in which to sit and pass the exams set by their particular subject.

While students from poorer families often take a long time to graduate because they have to take spare-time jobs in order to support themselves, there are tens of thousands of better-off undergraduates who seem content to prolong their student days indefinitely, living at home and sponging off their parents.

They are known in Italy as “bamboccioni” – “big babies” who refuse to fly the nest and remain at home into their thirties and even forties, delaying marriage, careers and having children.

The minister’s remarks unleashed a tirade of furious condemnation from student groups and unions, with undergraduates taking to Twitter and Facebook to accuse Mr Martone of being a privileged “yuppie” who had no concept of the difficulties they faced.

His comments appear to have touched a raw nerve at a time when swingeing cuts to education and other sectors are being introduced by the technocrat government of Mario Monti, the prime minister, in an attempt to tackle Italy’s 1.9 trillion euro national debt.

One student union called for his resignation, saying that grants were so inadequate that 40 per cent of undergraduates had to take part-time work to put themselves through college.

The country’s biggest union, the CGIL, said the high rate of delayed graduation was a result of years of underinvestment in tertiary education by successive governments.

Politicians also weighed into the debate, with Massimiliano Fedriga of the Northern League saying: “Martone has offended students who have to work in order to support themselves – it is for this reason that they are not able to graduate earlier.” Economists say Italy risks creating a “lost generation” of young people who are stymied by closed-shop work practices, a lack of meritocracy and companies’ unwillingness to give them full-time contracts.

Nearly a third of Italians aged between 15 and 29 are classified as NEET – Not in Education, Employment or Training.

Stung by the criticism, the minister later moderated his opinions but insisted that the point he was making was a fair one.

“Those students who come from families with difficult situations and have to take two jobs, and still manage to graduate, are fantastic, they are heroes.

“But I was talking about the others – there’s a lot who don’t work and live with their parents and take 10 years to graduate.

“I may have used the wrong words, but I touched on a painful truth – there are two million young people in Italy who neither work nor study.” That had to change if the country was to dig its way out of the economic doldrums and have a future, he said.